Blockly.JavaScript['phaser_simple_init'](width, height)
The main controller for the entire Phaser game. The functions run in order from top to bottom, with preload and create running once, and update running as a loop until the game ends. Check the game engine documentation for more details.
Check out the third party documentation for a more in depth explanation.Parameters:
Name Type Description width
Number The width of the game world
Number The height of the game world
Code Equivalent:
Stretch the stuff
Check out the third party documentation for a more in depth explanation.Code Equivalent:
game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; this.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; this.scale.updateLayout( true );
start_phaser_for_states(width, height)
The main controller for the entire Phaser game. Starts an instance of phaser without using preload, create, and update.
Check out the third party documentation for a more in depth explanation.Parameters:
Name Type Description width
Number The width of the game world
Number The height of the game world
Code Equivalent:
var game = new Phaser.Game(number_width, number_height, Phaser.AUTO, '');