Calculates and returns the most efficient degree amount to reach a destination.
ex: will convert 270 to -90, because they both reach the same point, but -90 makes it happen much faster.
Check out the third party documentation for a more in depth explanation.Parameters:
Name Type Description changeInDegrees
Number the number of degrees to convert
Code Equivalent:
Calculates and returns the most efficient heading amount to reach a destination.
Check out the third party documentation for a more in depth explanation.Parameters:
Name Type Description desiredHeading
Number the heading amount to convert
Code Equivalent:
vector_to_degrees(xComponent, yComponent)
Converts and returns the given vector components to a degree value.
Check out the third party documentation for a more in depth explanation.Parameters:
Name Type Description xComponent
Number the x-component of the vector
Number the y-component of the vector
Code Equivalent:
VectorToDegrees(xComponent, yComponent)